Building clean, safe spaces with our construction cleaning service.
At ROJANI Facilities Management, we understand the importance of a clean and safe construction site. Our construction cleaning service involves two phases: initial rough cleaning and final cleaning. Our expert team works diligently to ensure a thorough and efficient process, leaving your construction site spotless and ready for occupancy.
During the initial rough cleaning phase, we remove debris, dust, and other construction waste to create a clean and safe working environment. In the final cleaning phase, we perform a detailed cleaning of all surfaces, including floors, walls, and fixtures, ensuring that your construction site meets the highest standards of cleanliness.
Trust us to deliver exceptional construction cleaning services that will exceed your expectations.
Contact us today to request a quote and take the first step towards a safer and cleaner construction site.
Our janitorial division offers top-notch cleaning services to ensure our customers receive consistent, high-quality results every time.
Save thousands in replacement costs for glass and frames with our expert restoration services, backed by years of experience in glass restoration.
Our services include caulking, which is a service that is commonly used in the maintenance of properties. It is a process of applying a sealant material to the gaps and joints in a building’s exterior or interior.
Our Services
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